John Boulette

Early in life, John found his love of aviation, especially helicopters after taking numerous rides at the New England Expo (Big E fair) in MA.
In the 1980’s he pursued his dream and completed his commercial rating with the original owner and Chief Pilot, Larry Durocher at Northeast Helicopters. He loved flying his MD500’s the most throughout his fascinating career. His keen sense of business and attention to detail made him extremely successful as a helicopter pilot, and FAA certified airframe, power plant mechanic with inspection authorized privileges.
His ability to excel in the industry was amazing. He was experienced in tour operations, external load, including construction and long line operations.
In August 2000, John and his wife Rhonda purchased NEH, added a maintenance department, secured housing for students and remodeled the business for the full training experience.
John’s legacy will live on with all of us, and we will never forget his dedication to Northeast Helicopters, sharing his vast experience and love of flying.